My Submissive Helpmate

"Stand up, Lillian. Shoulders straight. Arch your back. Be feminine. Let your frillies flounce up in that ocean of frothy crinoline. Yes, Maid Lillian, fluff out your petticoats! That's a lamb.

"Hold a second, Sweetie. Let's take a sharp look at you. Please lift up your silken layers a bit more, so I can see your Little Lollipop stuffed beneath. Oh, it's delightful. Your pathetic struggling worm remains trapped. Your small popsickle-stick attempts to stiffen, but my strong hair-clasp squishes it to pulp, so instead it writhes painfully.

"Hmmmmmm. Let me tuck it down and under a bit more. Stop flinching! I know it's turning a blistering red. Oh, I see Baby. Don't cry. I know it must hurt awful. But the harness pushes the mean thing out of the way, flattering your silhouette.

"Shhhh, Dear Lillian. I already listened to your protests. We've discussed this many times. Your once-masculine stature has been reduced to that of an intimate lady's maid in this household. It's an honor to serve your queen. To help dress her. To help bathe her. To comfort her in times of stress.

"Be graceful in your new role, Lillian. It's your duty to squirm, helpless, underneath me, smothering under my skirt, tonguing my sweet orifices to repeated pleasures. Feeling your face drenched in hot sweat under my thighs, surrounded by curtains of lace, struggling to gasp each time I clench my buttocks, makes me feel so adored. I shake and rock in ecstasy, while you must hold your made-up face primly in place, wedged under my weight, all the time your hands are trapped in cute puffed sleeves bent modestly behind your back. You make me so happy. But not as a man.

"I especially love to watch you kneeling at my high-heeled, polished red shoes, primping me up prettily in short sexy dresses for my dates. There's often a deep sad look on your face, while a flirtatious bubbling grin is spread across mine. I often babble aloud in girlish excitement, at the same time glowering at you whenever you guiltily try to stare up my gorgeous dress. I giggle repeatedly, since it was YOU who selected it for me from the closet. Your hairless butt would have been flogged had it not been seductive enough for Robert. Oh yes, my hunk stud Robert, the thought of whom even now sends shivers down my spine, while my sweet little hubby fastidiously adjusts my stockings.

"Of course, Robert is just the latest one. Good for masculine sex, but not much else. It's not the studs that I like -- it's you, Lillian, who has captured my heart forever. Soft, sweet Lillian, a frightened lamb. Mommie's sweet, disciplined sissy maid and helper.

"Yes, pat Mommie's stockings to make them smooth. You can feel the silk texture, but no caressing. That kind of intimacy is Robert's mission. Yours is to make Mommie look sophisticated and elegant for Robert.

"Do not feel neglected, Sweetie. Your endearing, simpering little ministrations shall prepare the mood for an exquisite evening. Just seeing you there, nervously straightening my seams, afraid to make eye contact, strengthens my own lust for the masculine. Your imposed self-sacrifice of enforced chastity suits you as my adored servant husband.

"Almost done. Now straighten my silk puffed bow in front. Robert loves to see me in feminine blouses. You do too, but it's only a wet dream for you. For a stud like my's MY dream.

"Yes, Dear, it's a sweetheart neckline. I wanted to show off some cleavage for tonight. Ouch! Your sissy little fingers grazed my breasts. Big mistake. You know I don't want any of your distractions around me right now. Kneel back down. On the carpet. Face to the floor. Skirts up.

"Am I seeing hesitation, Missy? Your quaint hurt expressions and stupid flirting attempts do not deter me in the slightest. I am your Mommie Mistress, and your squeamish rebellion must be addressed immediately. No slacking in this house. I am tightening your penis clasp for the rest of the night. You can clean and dust the furniture in a state of mortified, shameful misery, as you think of me in the arms of a strong and confident lover. The clasp will hold you in its pinch of pain for another week, no release until then.

"Now get up. Fix the slight wrinkle in my hem. Eyes down, sissy girl. Make me look good for Robert.


"Hello? Oh, Robert! Just thinking about you. Be delighted to know that my sweet sissy is giving me a pedicure for our date tonight. My pretty feet are propped up on her skirted lap, as she daintily paints my toenails. Wait a minute, Robert. Get your eyes down, Sissy. No staring up my legs. Yes, that's right. They're tan silk stockings, just for Robert. Um, Sweetie. Focus on my slender toes. Blow on them to make them dry. That's a girl.

"Robert, just hearing your deep voice on the phone makes me tingle with anticipation. Sissy, get over here. Over my lap. I haven't forgotten about your earlier tantrum this afternoon. Face down over Mommie's lap. Get used to my regular date nights with an alpha male. What's that, Robert? Oh, just punishing my sissy here. She did a spectacular job on my hands and feet, but it's time now for her spanking. No, we needn't interrupt our conversation. She accepts my right to discipline her at any time.

"That's right, Lillian. Fluff up your skirt in back. Let's see your frilly panties. Hold still. I'm shouldering my phone so I can hit your girlish rump while talking to Robert at the same time. It's called multi-tasking. Oh, Robert. That's so funny.

"Oh God. I can feel her pathetic, clamped-in skinny popsickle struggling against my dress-covered lap, the puny thing throbbing painfully in its impotent lust. This is the closest that I allow her to press against me, from the front anyway. Except on her weekly release nights, of course. What's that, Robert? You think I should switch her to a biweekly schedule? Giggle! I don't think my little sissy here enjoyed hearing that. But she's forbidden to express any anger.

"WHACK! That's spank Number One. Count them for me, Dearest. Oh, Robert, she feels so funny. Her writhing stick is rubbing against me as I spank away. Listening to your voice as I spank her is the real aphrodisiac. Sissy here just adds to my sexual stimulation, grinding away in tight, futile pain each time she's whacked. But it's your masculine voice and thoughts of tonight that are driving me over the edge.